In response to the challenges posed by the Covid-19 Novel Coronavirus and employing best practices of Public Health and Safety and Infection Control, our clinic would like to inform the patients of the following protocols in regards to patients and stuff:
1. How we protect our patients from exposure and limiting transmission:
- Only the patients are encouraged to come to the clinic. If a personal support worker or a translator is needed, such person will be allowed to accompany the patient. All other accompanying people are encouraged to wait in the building common area or in the car
- All patients must wear a mask while at the premises of the clinic
- Upon arrival, patients are screened for Covid-19 symptoms. Patients experiencing positive Covid-19 symptoms are suggested to undergo testing and self-isolate, appointment will be rescheduled
- Waiting area sitting arrangements are spaced out to allow for adequate social distancing
- All examination rooms, waiting rooms and washrooms are stocked with hand sanitizers with a minimum of 70% alcohol content. Daily cleaning of the whole unit is done with chlorine cleaning agents
- While in the examination room, technicians are wearing surgical grade masks, uniform and gloves that are being discarded after each patient to avoid cross-contamination to the following patient
- All furniture is non-fabric, made out of non-porous material to prevent cross-contamination
- Equipment, examination beds, ultrasound probes and cords are disinfected after every patient with a medical grade sanitizer
- Stickers used during ECG, Echo, Stress Echo, Stress ECG and Nuclear Stress scans, as well as holter examinations are single-use and only given to one patient, after discarded
- Upon request, we can provide a telephone consultation with our doctors to avoid patient exposure during in-person visits
- In case of an outbreak or a technologist getting sick, we will inform all patients of possible exposure immediately
2. How we protect our staff from exposure and limiting transmission:
- All staff undergoes regular antigen Covid-19 testing to avoid asymptomatic exposure and transmission
- All staff is required to wear Personal Protecting Equipment (PPE) at all times
- Adequate PPE is being provided for the size of the facility and number of employees, including but not limited to masks (surgical and N95), gloves, goggles, uniforms
- All staff is required to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19
- Staff performing close-contact testing (ECG, Echocardiogram, holter, ABMP) is strongly suggested to limit communication with patients while in a close distance, perform frequent hand sanitizing and replacing PPE after each patient
- If a patient is being screened upon arrival with positive Covid symptoms, the appointment is cancelled and rescheduled until Covid status is cleared
- If a staff member gets sick, he or she needs to get tested and self-isolate until negative Covid test result
Additional considerations for our patients and answering Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Do you perform heart ultrasound to rule out myocarditis?
- Yes, echocardiograms are performed and can be used to rule out myocarditis
2. Can I receive patient consultation while staying home if I have been tested positive for Covid?
- Yes, our doctors provide virtual consultations for patients staying home
3. My appointment at the hospital has been cancelled due to non-emergency status. Can I have my testing done in your clinic?
- Yes, our clinic provides majority of procedure that are being done at the hospital. We will be happy to accommodate your procedure. All results will be reported to your doctor. You do not need to see our doctor or change your doctor to ours
4. What are the wait times to see the doctor in-person?
- Our goal is to provide every new patient with a consultation appointment within a week
5. My health card has expired. Can I still come for an appointment?
- Yes, you have two months to renew your health card after the appointment.